I’m finally releasing version 0.1 of Alex’s Threaded Comments, a WordPress plugin that allows you to add threaded comments to your web site. This plugin is really just a fork of the wonderful Brian’s Threaded Comments plugin (v1.5.12). I added a few bug fixes, a few new features, and a new look. Thanks for all the hard work, Brian.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!This site is currently running this plugin, so take a look at the comments section below for an idea of how it looks.
Here’s what’s been added/fixed:
- Fixed disappearing comment box/reroot issue.
- Replaced name/email/URL with login note if logged in.
- Changed to use external images so stat counters won’t be inflated.
- Added ability to filter out pingbacks (via plugin options).
- Added ability to change titlebar color if post was made by an admin (via CSS).
- Changed the basic CSS style to look more streamlined.
- Mostly fixed/worked-around IE6 rendering problems.
You can download this plugin here. Read the included HowToInstall.txt for directions on how to set the plugin up.
This plugin plays friendly with the WP AJAX Edit Comments plugin.
Because I didn’t write the original code for this plugin, I’m not intending to provide tech support for it. However, if you’re having a problem, you can post a message in my WordPress forum and maybe some kind soul will answer it. If you have any suggestions for future features or bug fixes you’d like to see, you can post those here.