Latest Changes

The following noteworthy changes have been made:

2022 Sep 8Revision
1.9 -- Introduction to literals and operatorsAdded text about nullary operators
2022 Aug 25Revision
14.10 -- Constructor member initializer listsAdded section: Initializing const member variables
2022 Aug 23Revision
2022 Aug 23Revision
13.1 -- Introduction to program-defined (user-defined) typesRevised section: Nomenclature: user-defined types vs program-defined types
2022 Aug 20Revision
27.9 -- Exception specifications and noexceptRevised section: When to use noexcept
2022 Aug 12Revision
6.6 -- Relational operators and floating point comparisonsRevised section: Floating point equality
2022 Jul 23Revision
22.7 -- Circular dependency issues with std::shared_ptr, and std::weak_ptrAdded section: Dangling pointers with std::weak_ptr
2022 Jul 21Revision
24.9 -- Multiple inheritanceAdded section: Mixins
2022 Jun 16Split
5.11 -- std::string_view (part 2)Moved some content into chapter 4
2022 Jun 16Moved
2022 Jun 16Revision
2022 Jun 16Split
5.5 -- Numeral systems (decimal, binary, hexadecimal, and octal)Refactored from literals lesson. Made lesson optional
2022 Jun 16Revision
5.4 -- LiteralsRevised content for clarity. Moved content on numeric systems and string literals to other lessons
2022 Jun 16Split
5.2 -- Constant expressions, compile-time const, and runtime constExpanded constexpr content. Added section around constant expressions
2022 Jun 16Revision
5.1 -- Constant variables (named constants)Revised content for clarity. Moved constexpr content to new lesson
2022 May 13Revision
5.1 -- Constant variables (named constants)Added section on constexpr strings
2022 Apr 26Revision
8.17 -- std::cin and handling invalid inputChanged occurrences of `` to `!std::cin`.
2022 Apr 24New
13.12 -- Class template argument deduction (CTAD) and deduction guidesMoved CTAD from lesson 10.10 and added deduction guides section
2022 Apr 21Revision
2022 Apr 21New
2022 Apr 15New
2.3 -- Void functions (non-value returning functions)Moved some content from lesson 2.2. Added more discussion about return statements
2022 Apr 15Split
2.2 -- Function return values (value-returning functions)Moved some content of this lesson into lesson 2.3
2022 Apr 8Moved
SiteSplit chapter 9 (into 9 and 10). Previous chapters 10, 11, 12, 13 moved back.
2022 Mar 29Revision
10.16 -- Function template instantiationAdded section: Using function templates in multiple files
2022 Mar 29Moved
5.7 -- Inline functions and variablesMoved lesson from chapter 10 to chapter 6
2022 Mar 28New
5.8 -- Constexpr and consteval functionsNew lesson: Constexpr and consteval functions
2022 Mar 27Revision
5.1 -- Constant variables (named constants)Added new section: "Constant expressions"
2022 Mar 20Revision
2.5 -- Introduction to local scopeAdded section: "Out of scope" vs "going out of scope"
2022 Mar 20Revision
5.10 -- Introduction to std::string_viewAdded sections: converting std::string to std::string_view, and passing strings to functions
2022 Mar 14Revision
5.7 -- Inline functions and variablesRewrote lesson, added section on use of inline keyword in modern C++
2022 Feb 27Revision
0.10 -- Configuring your compiler: Compiler extensionsRemoved /Za as recommended setting for Visual Studio
2022 Feb 25Revision
13.4 -- Scoped enumerations (enum classes)Added section: Easing the conversion of scoped enumerators to integers (advanced)
2022 Feb 20Revision
2022 Feb 20Revision
2022 Feb 20Revision
2022 Feb 20Feature
SiteStarted Changelog

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