To this point, the fundamental data types we’ve looked at have been used to hold numbers (integers and floating points) or true/false values (Booleans). But what if we want to store letters or punctuation?
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Would you like a burrito? (y/n)";
// We want the user to enter a 'y' or 'n' character
// How do we do this?
return 0;
The char data type was designed to hold a single character
. A character can be a single letter, number, symbol, or whitespace.
The char data type is an integral type, meaning the underlying value is stored as an integer. Similar to how a Boolean value 0
is interpreted as false
and non-zero is interpreted as true
, the integer stored by a char
variable are intepreted as an ASCII character
ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, and it defines a particular way to represent English characters (plus a few other symbols) as numbers between 0 and 127 (called an ASCII code or code point). For example, ASCII code 97 is interpreted as the character ‘a’.
Character literals are always placed between single quotes (e.g. ‘g’, ‘1’, ‘ ‘).
Here’s a full table of ASCII characters:
Code | Symbol | Code | Symbol | Code | Symbol | Code | Symbol |
0 | NUL (null) | 32 | (space) | 64 | @ | 96 | ` |
1 | SOH (start of header) | 33 | ! | 65 | A | 97 | a |
2 | STX (start of text) | 34 | ” | 66 | B | 98 | b |
3 | ETX (end of text) | 35 | # | 67 | C | 99 | c |
4 | EOT (end of transmission) | 36 | $ | 68 | D | 100 | d |
5 | ENQ (enquiry) | 37 | % | 69 | E | 101 | e |
6 | ACK (acknowledge) | 38 | & | 70 | F | 102 | f |
7 | BEL (bell) | 39 | ’ | 71 | G | 103 | g |
8 | BS (backspace) | 40 | ( | 72 | H | 104 | h |
9 | HT (horizontal tab) | 41 | ) | 73 | I | 105 | i |
10 | LF (line feed/new line) | 42 | * | 74 | J | 106 | j |
11 | VT (vertical tab) | 43 | + | 75 | K | 107 | k |
12 | FF (form feed / new page) | 44 | , | 76 | L | 108 | l |
13 | CR (carriage return) | 45 | - | 77 | M | 109 | m |
14 | SO (shift out) | 46 | . | 78 | N | 110 | n |
15 | SI (shift in) | 47 | / | 79 | O | 111 | o |
16 | DLE (data link escape) | 48 | 0 | 80 | P | 112 | p |
17 | DC1 (data control 1) | 49 | 1 | 81 | Q | 113 | q |
18 | DC2 (data control 2) | 50 | 2 | 82 | R | 114 | r |
19 | DC3 (data control 3) | 51 | 3 | 83 | S | 115 | s |
20 | DC4 (data control 4) | 52 | 4 | 84 | T | 116 | t |
21 | NAK (negative acknowledge) | 53 | 5 | 85 | U | 117 | u |
22 | SYN (synchronous idle) | 54 | 6 | 86 | V | 118 | v |
23 | ETB (end of transmission block) | 55 | 7 | 87 | W | 119 | w |
24 | CAN (cancel) | 56 | 8 | 88 | X | 120 | x |
25 | EM (end of medium) | 57 | 9 | 89 | Y | 121 | y |
26 | SUB (substitute) | 58 | : | 90 | Z | 122 | z |
27 | ESC (escape) | 59 | ; | 91 | [ | 123 | { |
28 | FS (file separator) | 60 | < | 92 | \ | 124 | | |
29 | GS (group separator) | 61 | = | 93 | ] | 125 | } |
30 | RS (record separator) | 62 | > | 94 | ^ | 126 | ~ |
31 | US (unit separator) | 63 | ? | 95 | _ | 127 | DEL (delete) |
Codes 0-31 are called the unprintable chars, and they’re mostly used to do formatting and control printers. Most of these are obsolete now. If you try to print these chars, the results are dependent upon your OS (you may get some emoji-like characters).
Codes 32-127 are called the printable characters, and they represent the letters, number characters, and punctuation that most computers use to display basic English text.
Initializing chars
You can initialize char variables using character literals:
char ch2{ 'a' }; // initialize with code point for 'a' (stored as integer 97) (preferred)
You can initialize chars with integers as well, but this should be avoided if possible
char ch1{ 97 }; // initialize with integer 97 ('a') (not preferred)
Be careful not to mix up character numbers with integer numbers. The following two initializations are not the same:
char ch{5}; // initialize with integer 5 (stored as integer 5)
char ch{'5'}; // initialize with code point for '5' (stored as integer 53)
Character numbers are intended to be used when we want to represent numbers as text, rather than as numbers to apply mathematical operations to.
Printing chars
When using std::cout to print a char, std::cout outputs the char variable as an ASCII character:
#include <iostream>
int main()
char ch1{ 'a' }; // (preferred)
std::cout << ch1; // cout prints character 'a'
char ch2{ 98 }; // code point for 'b' (not preferred)
std::cout << ch2; // cout prints a character ('b')
return 0;
This produces the result:
We can also output char literals directly:
std::cout << 'c';
This produces the result:
Inputting chars
The following program asks the user to input a character, then prints out the character:
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Input a keyboard character: ";
char ch{};
std::cin >> ch;
std::cout << "You entered: " << ch << '\n';
return 0;
Here’s the output from one run:
Input a keyboard character: q You entered: q
Note that std::cin will let you enter multiple characters. However, variable ch can only hold 1 character. Consequently, only the first input character is extracted into variable ch. The rest of the user input is left in the input buffer that std::cin uses, and can be extracted with subsequent calls to std::cin.
You can see this behavior in the following example:
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Input a keyboard character: "; // assume the user enters "abcd" (without quotes)
char ch{};
std::cin >> ch; // ch = 'a', "bcd" is left queued.
std::cout << "You entered: " << ch << '\n';
// Note: The following cin doesn't ask the user for input, it grabs queued input!
std::cin >> ch; // ch = 'b', "cd" is left queued.
std::cout << "You entered: " << ch << '\n';
return 0;
Input a keyboard character: abcd You entered: a You entered: b
If you want to read in more than one char at a time (e.g. to read in a name, word, or sentence), you’ll want to use a string instead of a char. A string is a collection of sequential characters (and thus, a string can hold multiple symbols). We discuss this in upcoming lesson (5.9 -- Introduction to std::string).
Char size, range, and default sign
Char is defined by C++ to always be 1 byte in size. By default, a char may be signed or unsigned (though it’s usually signed). If you’re using chars to hold ASCII characters, you don’t need to specify a sign (since both signed and unsigned chars can hold values between 0 and 127).
If you’re using a char to hold small integers (something you should not do unless you’re explicitly optimizing for space), you should always specify whether it is signed or unsigned. A signed char can hold a number between -128 and 127. An unsigned char can hold a number between 0 and 255.
Escape sequences
There are some characters in C++ that have special meaning. These characters are called escape sequences. An escape sequence starts with a ‘\’ (backslash) character, and then a following letter or number.
You’ve already seen the most common escape sequence: '\n'
, which can be used to print a newline:
#include <iostream>
int main()
int x { 5 };
std::cout << "The value of x is: " << x << '\n'; // standalone \n goes in single quotes
std::cout << "First line\nSecond line\n"; // \n can be embedded in double quotes
return 0;
This outputs:
The value of x is: 5 First line Second line
Another commonly used escape sequence is '\t'
, which embeds a horizontal tab:
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "First part\tSecond part";
return 0;
Which outputs:
First part Second part
Three other notable escape sequences are:
\’ prints a single quote
\” prints a double quote
\\ prints a backslash
Here’s a table of all of the escape sequences:
Name | Symbol | Meaning |
Alert | \a | Makes an alert, such as a beep |
Backspace | \b | Moves the cursor back one space |
Formfeed | \f | Moves the cursor to next logical page |
Newline | \n | Moves cursor to next line |
Carriage return | \r | Moves cursor to beginning of line |
Horizontal tab | \t | Prints a horizontal tab |
Vertical tab | \v | Prints a vertical tab |
Single quote | \’ | Prints a single quote |
Double quote | \” | Prints a double quote |
Backslash | \\ | Prints a backslash. |
Question mark | \? | Prints a question mark. No longer relevant. You can use question marks unescaped. |
Octal number | \(number) | Translates into char represented by octal |
Hex number | \x(number) | Translates into char represented by hex number |
Here are some examples:
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "\"This is quoted text\"\n";
std::cout << "This string contains a single backslash \\\n";
std::cout << "6F in hex is char '\x6F'\n";
return 0;
"This is quoted text" This string contains a single backslash \ 6F in hex is char 'o'
Escape sequences start with a backslash (\), not a forward slash (/). If you use a forward slash by accident, it may still compile, but will not yield the desired result.
Newline (\n) vs. std::endl
We cover this topic in lesson 1.5 -- Introduction to iostream: cout, cin, and endl.
What’s the difference between putting symbols in single and double quotes?
Single chars are always put in single quotes (e.g. 'a'
, '+'
, '5'
). A char can only represent one symbol (e.g. the letter a, the plus symbol, the number 5).
Text between double quotes (e.g. “Hello, world!”) is treated as a string of multiple characters. We discuss strings in lesson 5.4 -- Literals.
Best practice
Put stand-alone chars in single quotes (e.g. 't'
or '\n'
, not "t"
or "\n"
). This helps the compiler optimize more effectively.
Avoid multicharacter literals
For backwards compatibility reasons, many C++ compilers support multicharacter literals, which are char literals that contain multiple characters (e.g. '56'
). If supported, these have an implementation-defined value (meaning it varies depending on the compiler). Because they are not part of the C++ standard, and their value is not strictly defined, multicharacter literals should be avoided.
Best practice
Avoid multicharacter literals (e.g. '56'
Multicharacter literal support sometimes causes problems for new programmers. Consider the following simple program:
#include <iostream>
int add(int x, int y)
return x + y;
int main()
std::cout << add(1, 2) << '/n';
return 0;
The programmer expects this program to print the value 3
and a newline. But instead, on the author’s machine, it outputs the following:
The issue here is that the programmer accidentally used '/n'
(a multicharacter literal consisting of a forward slash and an 'n'
character) instead of '\n'
(the escape sequence for a newline). The program first prints 3
(the result of add(1, 2)
) correctly. But then it prints the value of '/n'
, which on the author’s machine had the implementation-defined value 12142
Make sure that your newlines are using escape sequence '\n'
, not multicharacter literal '/n'
What about the other char types, wchar_t
, char8_t
, char16_t
, and char32_t
should be avoided in almost all cases (except when interfacing with the Windows API). Its size is implementation defined, and is not reliable. It has largely been deprecated.
As an aside…
The term “deprecated” means “still supported, but no longer recommended for use, because it has been replaced by something better or is no longer considered safe”.
Much like ASCII maps the integers 0-127 to American English characters, other character encoding standards exist to map integers (of varying sizes) to characters in other languages. The most well-known mapping outside of ASCII is the Unicode standard, which maps over 144,000 integers to characters in many different languages. Because Unicode contains so many code points, a single Unicode code point needs 32-bits to represent a character (called UTF-32). However, Unicode characters can also be encoded using multiple 16-bit or 8-bit characters (called UTF-16 and UTF-8 respectively).
and char32_t
were added to C++11 to provide explicit support for 16-bit and 32-bit Unicode characters. char8_t
has been added in C++20. These char types have the same size as std::uint_least16_t
, std::uint_least32_t
, and std::uint_least8_t
respectively (but are distinct types). In theory, this means the char#_t
types could be larger than the number of bits specified by # (but unless you are working on an esoteric architecture, they should be the same).
You won’t need to use char8_t
, char16_t
, or char32_t
unless you’re planning on making your program Unicode compatible. Unicode and localization are generally outside the scope of these tutorials, so we won’t cover it further.
In the meantime, you should only use ASCII characters when working with characters (and strings). Using characters from other character sets may cause your characters to display incorrectly.